
O Death, Where Is Your Sting?

Published 12:07 am Sunday, April 7, 2024

Getting your player ready...

By Michael J. Brooks

It鈥檚 been my experience that funeral home directors generally have a great sense of humor. I asked a gentleman about this once, and he explained that a sense of humor is the only thing that saved him from awful depression. I can imagine these men and women deal with the greatest of tragedies.

But on the other hand, I鈥檝e heard some interesting stories from them. One funeral home employee told me about trying to salvage a graveside service after several pallbearers were drunk, and one fell into the open grave. I can鈥檛 imagine officiating at this service and trying to recoup.

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It wasn鈥檛 funny to me at the time, but it was memorable.

I was in the Old Live Oak Cemetery in 疯客直播 conducting a service not far from the mausoleum of Alabama Sen. William Rufus King, the only Alabamian to serve as U.S. vice president, albeit briefly. He was sworn in on the island of Cuba where he鈥檇 traveled for his health, only to die a month later. He also became the only vice president to be sworn in on foreign soil. Today he鈥檚 honored as one of the founders of 疯客直播 as well as James Buchanan鈥檚 vice president, at least for a few weeks.

Nevertheless, I was nearby this site and trying to comfort the family when I felt sharp pain in my feet and legs. I tried to be discreet but found to my dismay that I was standing in a nest of yellow jackets. I think I was stung three times but managed to complete the service. A dignified and cultured Selmian, Louise Swertfeger, later told me she was stung repeatedly as well, but I remember her sitting and looking, well, dignified and cultured, despite this.

I always think of this funeral when I read Paul鈥檚 word in 1 Corinthians: 鈥淥 Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?鈥 (1 Corinthians 15:55).

All my life I鈥檝e heard preachers explain this verse to their congregations. Christ took our punishment on the cross temporally so that we can be released from the sting of death eternally.

Death does sting. No one of us wants to see the deaths of those we love, except in times when their suffering is so terrible with no hope of recovery. Most often death is as unwelcome as a thief in the night. The death angel is normally not invited inside our homes to visit.

But Paul reminded his readers, and us, that the sting of death is temporary. Those who believe and follow Christ are assured that he accompanies us across the River of Death and brings us safely home to the father.

This is our resurrection hope.

鈥淩eflections鈥 is a weekly faith column written by Michael J. Brooks, pastor of the Siluria Baptist Church, Alabaster, Alabama. The church鈥檚 website is siluriabaptist.com. Brooks was pastor at Pine Flat Baptist Church in Suttle from 2002-2014 while teaching at Judson College. He served as pastor of First Baptist 疯客直播 from 1986-1993.